Moving the assemblage point

The maneuverability of the assemblage point can only be achieved by means of the intent. To move the assemblage point voluntarily and consciously, we need a clear connection with intent.

From an energy point of view, any other way of obtaining assemblage point movements is not efficient. Eventually it has a cost, and the balance is unfavorable in the medium or long term. This is where warriors differ from ordinary people, but also from sorcerers or ancient seers.

Warriors know what they are doing, they know the nature of intent and know their own nature. They know that they are in tune with the assemblage point position, and that this position is determined by their relationship with intent. At the same time, they are aware that they can not indulge in being “Sunday warriors”, ie undertake extraordinarinary endeavors as sorcerers without bothering about the condition of the tonal. Warriors deal with the condition of the tonal in minute detail. They are well aware that, if they do not reach the maximum efficiency in the ordinary position, this lack of care will have devastating repercussions in the second attention.

The ancient seers (as well as the current warlocks, “magicians” and other lazy people) called the intent “power”, and they did not (and do not) have the faintest idea where they were (and are) poking their nose. It is not just a difference in language.

I will try to render the mystery of the assemblage point movement simple and understandable.
The movement is obtained by means of a maneuver which, for convenience, can be divided into three acts: shifting the attention, recanalizing the energy, summoning the intent.

In short, to summon the intent you need energy, which is obtained by using the attention as a guide for the energy itself. These three acts are closely linked to the various activities of the Toltecs, and represent the effect. The ability to shift the attention is gained through practices related to the mastery of awareness. Recanalizing the energy is an ability resulting from the art of stalking, while summoning the intent obviously concerns the mastery of intent.

So, in practice, the secret for moving the assemblage point starting from the ordinary position is this: shift the attention, recanalize the energy, summon the intent. At least if we want to obtain a movement in an effective and efficient, definite and disciplined way, as modern Toltecs understand it.

But, there is one “but”. Before succeeding to move the assemblage point, it is essential (at least from the point of view of modern warriors) to do the exact opposite, that is, to learn how to fix it ruthlessly. This corresponds to what in Carlos Castaneda’s books is called “developing an unbending intent”.

To develop an unbending intent means to keep the assemblage point fixed in a precise and predetermined position. Performing this energy act is important for various and interconnected reasons. To put it in a nutshell, let us speak about our “normal” situation. We are not located in an area of reason, but in an area that the Toltecs call “area of apprehension”. This definition should already give you an idea of the ordinary human condition. In that area, the assemblage point is never completely stable, as it is not governed by intentionality. Thus, it is affected by any possible energy impact. The constant small movements (moreover within the same restricted area) are experienced by people as moods, alterations of mood, or thoughts, and so on. They can be more or less accentuated but, as a more harmful consequence, they do not allow the energy to accumulate and, instead, facilitate the activity of the flyer.

The first thing warriors learn is to firmly stabilize the ordinary position. This allows them to align and light up all energy fields of the specific alignment, and provides them with all the energy available in the exact location of the assemblage point. Developing an unbending intent (ie fixing the assemblage point without vibrations) also enables them to make definitive choices, essential skills for every act of a warrior. The hereby obtained energy surplus, combined with the capacity to decide on irrevocable directions, empowers the Toltecs to voluntarily move their assemblage point.

How does it work? Well, you’ll understand that it is not easy to say it in two words. However, all that the Toltecs do, everything they do, is primarily aimed to the development of an unbending intent, by generating discipline in their actions: recapitulation, contemplation, stalking. Since the stability of the assemblage point position produces the ability to make irrevocable choices, apprentice warriors exploit this peculiarity in the opposite direction. In practice, sustaining choices inflexibly has the effect of stabilizing the current alignment, with all the consequences already mentioned.